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Catalan Water Agency, Spain


Dr. Antoni Munné holds a Degree in Biology (1994) and a PhD in Ecology (2009), both from the University of Barcelona.  He is a freshwter ecologist at the Catalan Water Agency in Catalonia (NE, Spain): a public water authority in charge of managing water resources and watersheds in Catalonia.  Antoni is in charge of the Monitoring and Water Quality Department responsible for assessing the quality status of Catalan water bodies; applying biological and hydromorphological indices; and analyzing chemical compounds and relating them to human pressures. He is redactor of the water management plan of the Catalan River Basin District (2009 and 2015), and is participating in the first and second phases (2006-2008 and 2009-2011) of the EU intercalibration

exercises for biological quality assessment in the Mediterranean Geographical Intercalibration Group (Med GIG).  Antoni is also involved in various programmes of measures aimed at improving the status of water bodies according to the WFD (2000/60/EC): environmental flows; invasive species; improving river ecosystems, etc.

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