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MANTEL Attends MSCA Satellite Event at EuroScience Open Forum

Writer's picture: Eleanor JenningsEleanor Jennings

By EWAN GEFFROY, Early Stage Researcher, MANTEL Project 4.

Delegates attending the MSCA Satellite Event ESOF in Toulouse, France in July 2018.

In July 2018, I was fortunate to be able to represent the MANTEL ITN at the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) Satellite Event of the EuroScience Open Forum held in Toulouse, France.

The Event was designed for MSCA fellows to network with others in the existing MSCA community across Europe, with a strong focus on scientific communication and engagement with policy makers.

The location of the event was the Espace Vanel, Toulouse, and started with a tour of the Airbus Centre and factory with other MSCA fellows from a wide variety of continents, countries and projects. We received talks from the European Commission and MSCA representatives about what being an MSCA fellow means, as well as an introduction to the new online training platform. The conference continued with talks on how to engage with policy makers with an emphasis on the importance of building strong connections to increase the scale of impact; and we had the opportunity to hear about the experiences of other MSCA fellows.

Other presentations included the importance of research communication, dissemination and outreach which was followed with a “Speed Dating Session” with other MSCA fellows. This involved selected fellows presenting 10 minutes talks to tables of delegates and I was fortunate to be chosen to speak about my research and the MANTEL ITN.

Ewan Geffroy, ESR for MANTEL Project 4, describing the MANTEL ITN and his work during a 'speed dating' session.

I also attended the Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) French chapter and discovered that membership of such a chapter provides contacts with other MSCA fellows, facilitation of work, research and life in the host country. Subsequently, I have been assisting in the organisation of the MCAA Irish Chapter and a meeting will be held in the autumn to link and expand our network.

Ewan Geffroy attending the MCAA French Chapter

Overall, the MSCA Satellite Event enabled me to meet people from all over the world, who are conducting research on various topics ranging from quantic physics and sensors security to poetry and history. I met and networked with others researching on similar environmental topics as the MANTEL ITN, I communicated broadly on my research and the MANTEL ITN, and gained valuable information regarding science and research communication and influencing policy. I look forward to sharing my experiences with the rest of the MANTEL ITN!

A video showcasing the MSCA Satellite ESOF Event, and featuring a contribution from Ewan, can be viewed here.

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