Witteveen+Bos, The Netherlands


Elisabeth Ruijgrok is a public goods economist with Witteveen+Bos, and holds a PhD in environmental economics. She specialises in economic trade off principles and impact assessment to enhance sustainable economic development. With more than 15 years of experiences in the field of socio-economic cost benefit analysis and impact investments, she is all round in terms of different types of impacts, such as financial impacts, social impacts and ecological impacts, also in the form of damage maps. Her particular angle is to derive experience numbers that can be used to quantify impacts and express them in monetary terms. Elisabeth has written several methodological guidelines and hand books. She is the author of the Dutch and Kazakh national guideline for
ecosystem valuation and socio-economic cost benefit analysis. For the European ComCoast Programme, she wrote the guideline for impact assessment in water management. Elisabeth was a member of the international scientific advisory board of TEEB (the economics of ecosystems and biodiversity) and wrote the guideline for TEEB City.