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A list of publications from the MANTEL ITN members

Authors in bold represent the early research scientists of MANTEL. All research papers are Open Access.

Peer-reviewed papers


  • Khan, H., Marcé, R., Laas, A., Obrador, B. (2022) The relevance of pelagic calcification in the global carbon budget of lakes and reservoirs. Limnetica, 41(1): pp.000-000. DOI: 10.3390/w13050597


  • Reinl, K.L., Brookes, J.D., Carey, C.C., Harris, T.D., Ibelings, B.W., Morales‐Williams, A.M., De Senerpont Domis, L.N., Atkins, K.S., Isles, P.D., Mesman, J. and North, R.L., 2021. Cyanobacterial blooms in oligotrophic lakes: Shifting the high‐nutrient paradigm. Freshwater Biology. DOI: 10.1111/fwb.13791.

  • Armstrong, M., Kramer, L., Gsell, A., van Wijk, D., de Senerpont Domis, L.N., Mooij, W., Teurlincx, S. (2021). Flipping Lakes: Concepts of catchment scale water management elucidated through a serious game. Limnology and Oceanography Methods, DOI: 10.1002/lom3.10436

  • Doubek, J.P., Anneville, O., Dur, G., Lewandowska, A.M., Patil, V.P., Rusak, J.A., Salmaso, N., Seltmann, C.T., Straile, D., Urrutia-Cordero, P., Venail, P., Adrian, R., Alfonso, M.B., DeGasperi, C.L., de Eyto, E., Feuchtmayr, H., Gaiser, E.E., Girdner, S.F., Graham, J.L., Grossart, H.-P., Hejzlar, J., Jacquet, S., Kirillin, G., Llames, M.E., Matsuzaki, S.-I.S., Nodine, E.R., Piccolo, M.C., Pierson, D.C., Rimmer, A., Rudstam, L.G., Sadro, S., Swain, H.M., Thackeray, S.J., Thiery, W., Verburg, P., Zohary, T. and Stockwell, J.D. (2021). The extent and variability of storm-induced temperature changes in lakes measured with long-term and high-frequency data. Limnology and Oceanography, 66: 1979-1992. DOI: 10.1002/lno.11739

  • Janatian, N., Olli, K., Nõges, P. (2021). Phytoplankton responses to meteorological and hydrological forcing at decadal to seasonal time scales. Hydrobiologia,  848: 2745–2759. DOI: 10.1007/s10750-021-04594-x

  • Hares Khan, Alo Laas, Rafael Marcé, Margot Sepp, Biel Obrador (2021) Eutrophication and Geochemistry Drive Pelagic Calcite Precipitation in Lakes. Water, 13(5), 597. DOI: 10.3390/w13050597

  • Kraemer, B.M., Pilla, R.M., Woolway, R.I., Anneville, O., Ban, S., Colom-Montero, W., Devlin, S.P., Dokulil, M.T., Gaiser, E.E., Hambright, K.D., Hessen, D.O., Higgins, S.N., Jöhnk, K.D., Keller, W., Knoll, L. B., Leavitt, P. R., Lepori, F., Luger, M.S., Maberly, S.C., Müller-Navarra, D.C., Paterson, A.M., Pierson, D.C., Richardson, D.C., Rogora, M., Rusak, J.A., Sadro, S., Salmaso, N., Schmid, M., Silow, E.A., Sommaruga, R., Stelzer, J.A.A., Straile, D., Thiery, W., Timofeyev, M.A., Verburg, P., Weyhenmeyer, G.A., Adrian, A. (2021) Climate change drives widespread shifts in lake thermal habitat. Nature Climate Change, 11: 521–529. DOI: 10.1038/s41558-021-01060-3

  • Jorrit P. Mesman, Julio A. A. Stelzer, Vasilis Dakos, Stéphane Goyette, Ian D. Jones, Jérôme Kasparian, Daniel F. McGinnis, Bas W. Ibelings (2021) The role of internal feedbacks in shifting deep lake mixing regimes under a warming climate. Freshwater Biology, 00: 1– 15. DOI: 10.1111/fwb.13704

  • Moore, T.N.*, Mesman, J.P.*, Ladwig, R.*, Feldbauer, J*, Olsson, F., Pilla, R.M., Shatwell, T., Venkiteswaran, J.J., Delany, A.D., Dugan, H., Rose, K.C., Read, J.S. (* = Shared main authors) (2021). LakeEnsemblR: An R package that facilitates ensemble modelling of lakes. Environmental Modelling & Software, 144: 105101. DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2021.105101

  • Thayne, M.W., Kraemer, B., Mesman, J.P., Ibelings, B.W., Adrian, R. (2021) Antecedent lake conditions shape resistance and resilience of a shallow lake ecosystem following extreme wind storms. Limnology and Oceanography, DOI: 10.1002/lno.11859

  • Stelzer, J.A.A., Mesman, J.P., Adrian, R., Ibelings, B. (2021) Early warning signals of regime shifts for aquatic systems: Can experiments help to bridge the gap between theory and real-world application? Ecological Complexity, 47: 100944. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecocom.2021.100944

  • Woolway, R.I., Sharma, S., Weyhenmeyer, G.A, Debolskiy, A., Golub, M., Mercado-Bettin, D, Perroud, M., Stepanenko, V., Tan, Z.,  Grant, L., Ladwig, R., Mesman, J.P., Moore, T.N., Shatwell, T., Vanderkelen, I., Austin, J.A., DeGasperi, C.L., Dokulil, M., La Fuente, S., Mackay, E., Schladow, S.G., Watanabe, S., Marcé, R., Pierson, D.C., Thiery, W., Jennings, E. (2021) Phenological shifts in lake stratification under climate change. Nature Climate Change, 12: 2318. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-22657-4


  • Ana I. Ayala, Simone Moras, Donald C. Pierson (2020). Simulations of future changes in thermal structure of Lake Erken: proof of concept for ISIMIP2b lake sector local simulation strategy. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24: 3311–3330. DOI: 10.5194/hess-24-3311-2020

  • Alexa Hoke, Jason Woodhouse, Luca Zoccarato, Valerie McCarthy, Elvira de Eyto, Maria Calderó-Pascual, Ewan Geffroy, Mary Dillane, Hans-Peter Grossart, Eleanor Jennings (2020) Impacts of Extreme Weather Events on Bacterial Community Composition of a Temperate Humic Lake. Water, 12(10): 2757. DOI: 10.3390/w12102757

  • Hares Khan, Alo Laas, Rafael Marcé, Biel Obrador (2020) Major Effects of Alkalinity on the Relationship Between Metabolism and Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Dynamics in Lakes. Ecosystems, 23: 1566–1580 (2020). DOI: 10.3390/w13050597

  • J.P. Mesman, A.I. Ayala, R. Adrian, E. De Eyto, M.A. Frassl, S. Goyette, J. Kasparian, M. Perroud, J.A.A. Stelzer, D.C. Pierson, B.W. Ibelings (2020) Performance of one-dimensional hydrodynamic lake models during short-term extreme weather events. Environmental Modelling & Software, 133: 104852. DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2020.104852

  • Tiina Nõges, Nasime Janatian, Reet Laugaste, Peeter Nõges (2020) Post-soviet changes in nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry in two large non-stratified lakes and the impact on phytoplankton. Global Ecology and Conservation, 24: e01369. DOI: 10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e01369

  • Josep Sanchís, AdriánJaén-Gil, Pablo Gago-Ferrero, Elias Munthali, Maria José Farré (2020) Characterization of organic matter by HRMS in surface waters: Effects of chlorination on molecular fingerprints and correlation with DBP formation potential. Water Research, 176: 15743. DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2020.1157432

  • Jason D. Stockwell, Jonathan P. Doubek, Rita Adrian, Orlane Anneville, Cayelan C. Carey, Laurence Carvalho, Lisette N. De Senerpont Domis, Gaël Dur, Marieke A. Frassl, Hans‐Peter Grossart, Bas W. Ibelings, Marc J. Lajeunesse, Aleksandra M. Lewandowska, María E. Llames, Shin‐Ichiro S. Matsuzaki, Emily R. Nodine, Peeter Nõges, Vijay P. Patil, Francesco Pomati, Karsten Rinke, Lars G. Rudstam, James A. Rusak, Nico Salmaso, Christian T. Seltmann, Dietmar Straile, Stephen J. Thackeray, Wim Thiery, Pablo Urrutia‐Cordero, Patrick Venail, Piet Verburg, R. Iestyn Woolway, Tamar Zohary, Mikkel R. Andersen, Ruchi Bhattacharya, Josef Hejzlar, Nasime Janatian, Alfred T. N. K. Kpodonu, Tanner J. Williamson, Harriet L. Wilson (2020) Storm impacts on phytoplankton community dynamics in lakes. Global Change Biology, 26(5): 2756-2784. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.15033

  • Harriet L. Wilson, Ana I. Ayala, Ian D. Jones, Alec Rolston, Don Pierson, Elvira de Eyto, Hans-Peter Grossart, Marie-Elodie Perga, R. Iestyn Woolway, Eleanor Jennings (2020) Variability in epilimnion depth estimations in lakes. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24: 5559–5577. DOI: 10.5194/hess-24-5559-2020


  • Truls Hveem Hansson, Hans-Peter Grossart, Paul A. del Giorgio, Nicolas F. St-Gelais, Beatrix E. Beisner (2019). Environmental drivers of mixotrophs in boreal lakes. Limnology and Oceanography,  64: 1688-1705. DOI: 10.1002/lno.11144

  • Nasime Janatian, Kalle Olli, Fabien Cremona, Alo Laas, Peeter Nõges (2019) Atmospheric stilling offsets the benefits from reduced nutrient loading in a large shallow lake. Limnology and Oceanography, 65: 717-731. DOI: 10.1002/lno.11342

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