Authors: Maggie Armstrong and Jorrit Mesman (MANTEL ESRs)
Photo: MANTEL delegates attending the 2017 Global Lake Ecological Observation Network (GLEON) in Monhonk, New York, USA.
From the 27th of November to the 1st of December 2017, seven MANTEL Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) and several MANTEL supervisors attended the annual Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON) meeting held at the Mohonk Mountain House, New York, USA.
GLEON focuses on high-frequency measurements in a global network of lake ecosystems. This organization has been described as a network of lakes, data and people. The GLEON conference emphasized discussion and collaboration for the advancement of scientific projects. Attendees were encouraged to divide into organised working groups and form projects together, where there was ample opportunity for PhD students to take be involved in prominent roles.
During one of the common sessions, Dr. Eleanor Jennings, MANTEL Coordinator, introduced the MANTEL project to the GLEON members. Over the course of the conference, we talked with many interested scientists from all over the world who wanted to know more about who we were and what our research projects were about. All MANTEL ESRs (including those that were unable to attend the conference) presented a poster which summarised the MANTEL Project as a whole, including individual project information, and the poster received a lot of attention from delegates.
The ESRs were divided over several working groups. Maggie Armstrong, Ewan Geffroy and Elias Munthali joined the Lake & Reservoirs Management group; Cleo Stratman, Mike Thayne and Jorrit Mesman joined the Physics, Climate & Modelling group; and Julio Stelzer joined the Theory group. During the discussions in each working group, we were encouraged to introduce our own ideas or join in projects of others. Over the course of the coming months, collaborative groups will continue to shape these projects with the goal of developing multi-disciplinary insights and innovative tools to be used in limnological research.
#limnology #GLEON #GLEON19 #highfrequencymonitoring #HFM #climatechange #climate #lakes #waterquality #water #Mohonk