Training School 1
Tartu, Estonia
4th-8th September 2017

The first MANTEL Training School was held in Tartu, Estonia and was hosted by the Estonian University of Life Sciences, Eesti Maaülikool at their research institute on the banks of Estonia's second largest lake, Lake Võrtsjärv.
This introductory training school provided the first opportunity for newly recruited Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) to meet and form lasting professional bonds with each other and the wider MANTEL Project team. Training provided the ESRs with introductory skills and knowledge required to begin their MANTEL Research Projects, as well as identifying future training needs and providing the opportunity to network with other members of the MANTEL
consortium. An introduction and hands-on experience of High Frequency Monitoring (HFM) was provided in addition to introductory seminars on lake physics; phytoplankton dynamics; data quality control, quality assurance and data analysis; communicating research; and ecosystem services, among others.
The training school schedule is available for download, below.