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Training School 2

Neuglobsow, Germany

19th-23rd February, 2018

Delegates attending the second MANTEL Training School.

Photo: Cleo Stratmann

Image: Martin Oczipka

The second MANTEL Training School was held at LakeLab in Neuglobsow, Germany from 19th-23rd February, 2018. 


Training provided the ESRs with introductory skills and knowledge of tools used for high frequency data analysis.  An introduction to these tools was provided prior to hands-on experience in using the tools with relevant data sets. Discussion on defining mixing events was facilitated along with the opportunity for ESRs to meet with supervisors and co-supervisors to discuss project progress. The ESRs were also introduced to skills required for developing and writing scientific papers. All delegates were introduced to the LakeLab facilities and ESRs provided with the opportunity to understand ongoing LakeLab projects and the opportunities for future collaboration.

The Training School schedule is available for download below.

MANTEL Training School 2 Schedule

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