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University of Geneva, Switzerland

Bastiaan Ibelings is a Full Professor in Microbial Ecology at the Department for Aquatic and Environmental Sciences and the Institute for Environmental Sciences at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. His studies focus on functional biodiversity of lake phytoplankton, and range from the population to the community and whole ecosystem level. Identifying the ecological and evolutionary processes that determine plankton community assembly is crucial for understanding and managing effects of environmental change. Developments in instrumentation allow us to study these phenomena where they unfold, the lake ecosystem, at the fine temporal and spatial scales that are relevant to phytoplankton dynamics. Over the

years, Bas has supervised ca 25 PhD students, working together on plankton questions. At the University of Geneva, he also teaches various courses in Ecology and Evolution at the Bachelor-level and has developed courses for the Master program MUSE, a Master situated at the crossroads of natural and social sciences.

Stephane Goyette is a senior scientist and lecturer at the Institute for Environmental Sciences at the University of Geneva, Switzerland.  He undertook his PhD in 1995 in Montréal, Canada.  His research interests include: the development of physical parameterisations to improve numberical climate simulations for recent past, current and future climate conditions; the analysis of cyclone activity to study the impact of storms (in Western Europe and Switzerland); the analysis of the evolution of sbow pack depth  and duration in the Swiss Alps and in the Pyrennees; and coupling lake models with atmospheric models.  He has been involved with numerous international collaborations including in Sweden, Belgium, Spain and Canada.

Jorrit Mesman is the ESR for MANTEL Project 8. Jorrit completed a BSc in Soil, Water, Atmosphere and MSc in Earth & Environment at the Wageningen University. During his studies hemostly focused on aquatic ecology and water quality, but also gained some experience in hydrology, meteorology and programming. His Masters thesis tested the claim that coccolth lime addition would stimulate the breakdown of organic matter.  It involved a six-month laboratory sediment core experiment, supplemented with field observations and small laboratory tests.

Julio Stelzer is the ESR for MANTEL Project 12.  Julio holds a Masters in Transnational Ecosystem-Based Water Management at the Universität Duisburg-Essen (DE) and Radboud Universiteit (NL) with ground formation in Biological Sciences (UFRGS, BR) and Hydrology (IPH, BR). His experiences grasp the usage and development of risk/impact assessment tools with emphasis in ecotoxicology, environmental mutagenesis (pollutant ecology) and biogeochemical cycles. Julio began his professional career as research trainee studying Biomarkers and Strategies for Genotoxicity Evaluation in Contaminated Areas (PAH's and metals); afterwards working as invited researcher at the Finnish Environmental Institute (SYKE).  He has developed and kept

further interest in Environmental Sanitation and the Effect of Multi-Stressors in Aquatic Environments. In addition, Julio is also engaged as permanent collaborator from the Laboratory of Ecotoxicology working on reviews regarding national water resources legislations, "Water & Society", sustainable usage of water resources and their importance for social cohesion.

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